Divide by Pattern
1 of the 4 preset patterns to divide the element. The
red point that appears in the pattern indicates the position
of the reference node. Specify the 3D element and pattern
and select the reference node.
Divide by Number
divide the 3D element by the input number of divisions.
Set the number of divisions in the axis 1,2,3 direction
and define the axial direction as follows. Input the number
of divisions in the axial direction of an element edge
that has makes up the smallest angle between the specified
axis direction.
Axial Direction
axis 1 as the x axis direction of the element coordinate
the coordinate system to specify axis 1 and axis 2. The
axis can be select from the Global rectangular system
or the Global cylindrical system.
along Vector]
2 input vectors as axis 1 and axis 2. Input the start
point and any other arbitrary points on axis 1 and axis
2 to create 2 vectors. |